Workshop on Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act 2013 Pasrur

Workshop on Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act 2013
Venue: Pasrur
Date: 16 October 2023

Transparency International Pakistan in collaboration with READ and Ali Welfare Society organized one day workshop on Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act 2013 in Pasrur.

The workshop attracted a diverse group of participants, representatives from civil society organizations, activists, educators, students, and concerned citizens from Pasrur and the surrounding areas. The total number of participants were 39 including 29 males and 10 females. The participants were eager to learn about the RTI Act and its significance in promoting transparency and accountability in governance. Mr. Ashfaque Ahmed from Transparency International Pakistan was the trainer.

The session started at 11:30 AM. It was late due to rain. However, a good number of participants came and registered themselves. After then, Mr. Arshad Sulheri from READ welcomed the participants and gave the opening remarks. He also gave a brief overview of the Law. He told participants that the Right to Information (RTI) Act plays a pivotal role in promoting transparency in governance. It empowers citizens by granting them the right to access information held by public authorities. He said that the RTI Act enables citizens to obtain information about government policies, decisions, and actions. It empowers individuals to actively engage in the democratic process, hold public authorities accountable, and make informed decisions.

After that Mr. Ashfaque Ahmed explained the law and its key provisions in details including who can file RTI complaints, what are public bodies, and what is public information. He also told participants the evolution of access to information laws in Pakistan and how civil society particularly TI Pakistan made its contribution. He mentioned that the Act incorporates crucial provisions to facilitate the implementation of the right to information. These provisions outline the procedure for submitting information requests, delineate the responsibilities of public bodies in providing information, and establish guidelines for the dissemination of information. Mr. Ahmed also illustrated on what constitutes public bodies, what types of information can be sought, exemptions to the Act, and the obligations of public bodies. He emphasized that citizens can submit information requests and expect responses within a stipulated timeframe of 14 working days.

Mr. Ashfaque further said that public bodies have an obligation to provide requested information unless it falls under the prescribed exemptions. They must maintain records, appoint public information officers, and facilitate the dissemination of information through various means. These records should be provided under the proactive disclosure clause of the act.

Ms. Sidra Nadeem, the Social Welfare Officer from the Social Welfare Department in Pasrur, brought to light the challenges faced by Pasrur, including insufficient infrastructure, restricted access to quality education, healthcare difficulties, and unemployment, all of which significantly affect the well-being of the local population. The Social Welfare Department in Pasrur is actively tackling these issues through the implementation of educational and skill development programs and the promotion of employment opportunities, thereby improving the socio-economic conditions of the community. She said that workshops like RTI are important for the citizens as well as the government officials who can be trained to use such laws. Transparency International Pakistan extends invitations to government officials with the aim of promoting collaboration, enhancing awareness of transparency practices, and advocating for government accountability.

Following the workshop, a question and answer (Q&A) session took place, allowing the trainers to address the participants’ queries and clarify any areas of uncertainty. The trainers provided satisfactory responses, ensuring that the participants’ questions were adequately answered and any unclear aspects were clarified.

In the final segment, Mr. Arshad Sulheri expressed gratitude on behalf of the attendees, acknowledging the efforts of TI Pakistan for organizing such a valuable event in their locality. The event was highlighted in social media, and local newspapers.