Chief Secretary Punjab Lahore Pakistan Why hasn’t appointment of member board 8 been done till now, 25th March 2024, Cases of Member 8 are not transferred to any other member and the occupiers are being protected (BY SYSTEM). Will there be an inquiry or will this letter also 20 in the trash. (Download here)
Chief Secretary, Government of Punjab, Lahore. , 7th June, 2023 , Subject: Violation of Punjab Procurement Rules 2014kDeputy Commissioner, Office of the Deputy Commissioner Faisalabad’s Tender Notice for Miscellaneous Services. (Download here)
Mr. Kamran Ali Afzal Chief Secretary, Government of Punjab, Punjab Secretariat, Lahore, Subject: Transparency International Pakistan Report on the State of Implementation of Proactive Disclosure Provision Section (4), Punjab Transparency and Right To Information Act 2013 (Download here )
Chief Secretary, Govt. of Punjab, Civil Secretariat, Punjab, Lahore. , 25th January, 2017 , Sub: Complaint Regarding Fraudulent Practices of VPL Pakistan and Loss of Public Ex- Chequer in the Tender for Pre-Delivery Inspection of Two Vandel Trash Compactors at Montde Marsan, France. (Download here)