TI calls for enforcement of whistleblower protection laws

June 23, 2024

Peshawar   –  Transparency International (TI) Pakistan has stressed upon parliamentarians at federal and provincial levels to give attention towards the enactment of Whistleblower Protection Acts in the country.

In a press statement issued here on Saturday, TI Pakistan noted that effective whistleblower protection laws are essential for the progress of integrity, eliminating corruption from the country and fostering an environment where citizens can report misconduct without fear of retaliation. TI Pakistan further highlighted that the Government of Pakistan ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2007.

Articles 8.4 and 13.2 of UNCAC mandate governments to implement legal measures that protect whistleblowers, the statement added.

To ensure compliance with UNCAC provisions, TI Pakistan called on the federal government and the provincial governments of Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan to enact laws regarding the reporting and protection of whistle-blowers, which include adequate reporting mechanisms and protective measures, in line with the UNCAC requirements.