Federal Board of Revenue

Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Islamabad, February 13, 2025, Subject: Complaint Against Allegations of Illegal Seizure of Bulletproof Toyota Land Cruiser Bearing Registration No. BD-7057, in Violation of Rules by Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation Customs Karachi. (Download here) 

GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN REVENUE DIVISION FEDERAL BOARD OF REVENUE, Advocate Daniyal Muzaffar Trustee / Legal Advisor Transparency International Pakistan Karachi, 22nd January, 2025, Subject: VIOLATION OF PPRA RULES 2004 — TENDER NOTICE FOR PROCUREMENT OF VARIOUS EQUIPMENT (Download here)


Second Secretary (IT-Execution), Room No. 519, FBR House, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, 1st August 2024, Subject: Violation of Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Rules 2004, Second Secretary (IT-Execution), FBR “Supply of IT Equipment and Renewal of Service Level Agreement (SLA) for FBR Datacenters (Download here)

Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad , 3rd December, 2018  , Sub: Violation of PPRA Rules in Award of Unsolicited Contract for Mapping of Properties in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad to M/s Trakker Pvt Ltd. (Download here)

Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue, FBR House, Islamabad. ,5th June, 2018  , Sub: Information to FBR on Offshore Company of A. Siddiqui.  (Download here )

Khawaja Tanwir Ahmed, Director General, Directorate General of Internal Audit (IR), Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad , 18th February, 2017  , Sub: Information against M/s GSK, M/s ZAFA and M/s Getz Pharma (PVT) Limited, for Income Tax and Sales Evasion by over invoicing raw material for manufacturing drugs, and also remitting foreign currency on account of over invoicing raw material by Official Informer under SRO 398(1)/2016 dated 05.05.2016 read with Section 227B of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 (XLIX of 2001), Section 72D of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 and Section 42D of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 (Download here)

Dr. Muhammad Irshad Khan, Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. , 15th June, 2017 , Sub: Billions of Rupee Tax Evasion by Importers for under Invoicing Imports from China of over US $ 30 billion in Last 10 Years. (Download here )

Khawaja Tanvir Ahmed, Director General, Directorate General of Internal Audit (IR), Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad , 15th March 2017  , Sub: Registration as Official Informer or Whistleblower Under SRO 398(1)/2016 dated 05.05.2016 read with Section 227B of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 (AIX of 2001), Section 72D of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 and Section 42D of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 Tax Evasion of Billions is rupees in last 7 years (Download here)

Khawaja Tanwir Ahmed, Director General, Directorate General of Internal Audit (IR), Federal Board of Revenue, Islamabad , 18th February, 2017 ,  Sub: Information against M/s GSK, M/s ZAFA and M/s Getz Pharma (PVT) Limited, for Income Tax and Sales Evasion by over invoicing raw material for manufacturing drugs, and also remitting foreign currency on account of over invoicing raw material by Official Informer under SRO 398(1)/2016 dated 05.05.2016 read with Section 227B of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 (XLIX of 2001), Section 72D of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 and Section 42D of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 (Download here)

Dr. Muhammad Irshad Khan, Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. , 21st June, 2017  , Sub: Violation of Public Procurement Rules by FBR in the Tender Notice for Supply, Install and Operation of IT- Based Services for Electronic Monitoring of Tobacco System. Complaint of Collusion by FBR and Complaint of Collusion by FBR.  (Download here)

Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. ,18th September, 2015 , Sub: Violation of Public Procurement Rules 2004, Deputy Director, Directorate General of Training & Research (Customs), Karachi’s Tender Notice for Supply of Janitorial Services.  (Download here)

Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. , 24th February, 2015  , Sub: Violation of Public Procurement Rules 2004, Deputy Commissioner (HO), Regional Tax Office, FBR, Peshawar’s Short Tender Notice for Repair of Top Roof of Regional Tax Office Building, Tax Facilitation and Compliance Centre Building Nowhere and Residential Houses.  (Download here)