Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. , 15th September, 2016 , Sub: Allegation of Issuing Oil Marketing Company’s License to Saeed Mehdi, his Son and Son’s Father in Law. (Download here)
Mr, Arshad Mirza., Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Room No.302, 3rd Floor, A block Pak Secretariat, Islamabad. , 16th December, 2015 , Sub: Tender Enquiry No. PLTLING TER/COM/01/12-2015. (Download here)
Mr. Khaqan Abbasi, Minister of Petroleum, Islamabad , 20 November, 2015 , Sub: Allegation of Violation of PPRA Rules on Award of Unsolicited LNG Procurement Contract to a Commercial Group of Qatar (Download here)
Mr. Khaqan Abbasi, Minister of Petro leum, Islamabad , 24th March 2015 , Sub: Allegation of Violation of PPRA Rules on Award of Unsolicited US $ 22 Billion LNG Procurement Contract to a Commercial Group. REMINDER (Download here)
Government of Pakistan Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources , 25th November, 2015 , I am in receipt of your letter TL1512011/8A dated November 20, 2015, which was released to the print and electronic media on the same day but received by us on November 23, 2015. (Ddownload here)