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Prime Minister Of Pakistan
Principal Secretary to PM, PM House, Islamabad, January 28, 2025, Subiect: Pakistan’s Membership to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM, Prime Minister House, Islamabad, November 27, 2024, Subject: Transparency International Pakistan’s Concerns and Recommendations Regarding the Fees for Filing Review Petition under EPAD System (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM, Prime Minister House, Islamabad, November 19, 2024, Subject: Transparency International Pakistan’s Recommendations on Uploading Updated Information on the Website of Energy Department, Govt. of Pakistan, Ensuring Citizens Access to Climate Data as per Article 19A of the Constitution of Pakistan, Right of Access to Information Act, 2017, Supreme Court of Pakistan Judgement in CP No. 3532/2023 (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM, Prime Minister House, Islamabad, November 19, 2024, Subject: Transparency International Pakistan’s Recommendations on Uploading Updated Information on the Website of National Food Security & Research Department, Govt. of Pakistan, Ensuring Citizens Access to Climate Data as per Article 19A of the Constitution of Pakistan, Right of Access to Information Act, 2017, Supreme Court of Pakistan Judgement in CP No. 3532/2023 (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM, Prime Minister House, Islamabad, November 12, 2024, Subject: Transparency International Pakistan Recommendations on Uploading of Updated Information on the Website of Water Resources Department, Govt. of Pakistan, Ensuring Citizens Access to Climate Data as per Article 19A of the Constitution of Pakistan, Right of Access to Information Act, 2017,Supreme Court of Pakistan Judgement in CP No. 3532/2023 (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM, Prime Minister House, Islamabad. November 12, 2024, Subject: Transparency International Pakistan Recommendations on Uploading of Updated Information on the Website of Housing & Works Department, Govt. of Pakistan, Ensuring Citizens Access to Climate Data as per Article 19A of the Constitution of Pakistan, Right of Access to Information Act, 2017, Supreme Court of Pakistan ,Judgement in CP No. 3532/2023 (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM, Prime Minister House, Islamabad. November 12, 2024, Subject: Transparency International Pakistan Recommendations on Uploading of Updated Information on the Website of Communications Department,Govt. of Pakistan, Ensuring Citizens Access to Climate Data as per Article I9A of the Constitution of Pakistan. Right of Access to Information Act, 2017, Supreme Court of Pakistan Judgement in CP No 3532/2023 (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM, Prime Minister House, Islamabad, 10th October 2024, Subject: Transparency International Pakistan Recommendations for Pakistan’s First Carbon Credits Guidelines, Policy Framework for Trading in Carbon Markets Being Developed by the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination (MoCC&EC) (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM Prime Minister House Islamabad (For attention of the Honorable Prime Minister), 9th September 2024, .Subject: Transparency International Pakistan Recommendations on Transparent Complaint Handling Procedure under PPRA Rules 2004 (Download here)
Principal Secretary to PM Prime Minister House Islamabad,3rd September 2024, Subject: Complaint Against Allegations of Contempt of Court of the High Court of Balochistan in Constitutional Petition No. 1766 of 2022 dated 17 June 204,by DRAP and MoH in Failure to Register Alternate Medicines etc since 2014, Causing Serious Risk to the Lives of Ordinary Citizens (Download here)
PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE PRIME MINISTER’S INSPECTION COMMISSION ISLAMABAD, 5th july 2024, Subject: Violation of PPRA Rules 2004, Ministry of Science and Technology. Contract of Operation & Maintenance of HVAC Plant and AC Units. (Download here)
Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan Prime Minister House Islamabad, 21th June 2024, Subject: Enactment of Whistleblower Protection Law at the Federal Level in line with Pakistan’s Commitment under Article 8.4 and 13.2 of UNCAC (Download here)
Mr. Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan Islamabad, 7th May 2024, Subject: TI Pakistan Report: Financing Climate Action: Enhancing Effectiveness and Transparency in Pakistan’s Climate Governance Frameworks (Download here)
A Principal Secretary to PM Prime Minister House Islamabad, 3rd April 2024, Subject: Complaint against the Allegation of Violation of Legal and Procedural Obligations, Procurement Rules, and Irregularities in the Appointments in National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) as identified by the Auditor General of Pakistan, Causing Financial Loss of Billions to the National Exchequer (Download here)
Mr. Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, Caretaker Prime Minister, Prime Minister’s House, Islamabad, 30th November, 2023, Subject: Allegations of Violation of Supreme Court of Pakistan Orders 2018 and Cabinet Secretariat (Establishment Division) Management Position Scales, 2020/2021 in Recruitment of Anchors for 03 Programmes on Monthly Consolidated Emoluments of Rs. 750,0001- (Seven Hundred & Fifty Thousand Only) each on Contract Basis for a period of (03) Years, With Effect from 11.09.2023 (Download here)
Principal Secretary to Caretaker PM, PM House, Islamabad. , 2nd November, 2023 , Sub: Complaint on the Violation of Pakistan Petroleum (E&P) Rules 2001 and Natural Gas Regulatory (Licensing) Rules 2002 due to Unauthorized Third-Party Gas Sale by Konnect Gas (Private) Limited, a subsidiary of Jura Corporation. (Download here)
Dr. Syed Tauqir Hussain Shah, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Prime Minister House, Islamabad , Subject: Allegations of Violation of Supreme Court of Pakistan Orders 2018 and Cabinet Secretariat (Establishment Division) Management Position Scales, 2020/2021 in Advertisement for Energy Sector Specialist by the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division), Advertisement dated 12th February 2023 (Download here)
Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan Prime Minister House, Islamabad , October 06, 2022 , Subject: Complaint against M/s ENI Pakistan Limited defaulted its commitment to 15 years Agreement of Supplying 11 Million Tons LNG to PakistanComplaint against the Purchasing of allegedly undervalued Assets USD16.4m Vs $400m (approx.) of M/s ENI Pakistan Limited by an inexperienced company M/s Prime International Oil & Gas Company Limited (PIOGCL) for allegedly evading Tax of USD 75m (approx.) to National Exchequer (Download)
Honorable Shahbaz Shariff Prime Minister of Pakistan PM House, Islamabad ,13th September 2022 ,Subject: Transparency International Pakistan congratulates Prime Minister for establishing Digital Flood Dashboard as recommended by TI Pakistan for Transparency and Accountability in the utilization off Relief, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Funds in the wake of floods in Pakistan (Download)
PRIME MINISTER OF PAKISTAN APROVAL OF CHARGE OF Managing Director (PPRA) POST 1. Muhammad Zubair Offered Rs.50,000,000/- (5-Crore) to different TOUTS for Grant of MD Post Charge. 6 June 2022 (Download)
Honorable Shahbaz Shariff Prime Minister of Pakistan PM House, Islamabad ,6th September 2022 ,Subject: Recommendations on Transparency and Accountability in the utilization of Relief, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Funds in the wake of Floods in Pakistan (Download)
Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan Prime Minister House, Islamabad ,September 01, 2022 ,Subject: Complaint against M/s ENI Pakistan Limited defaulted its commitment to 15 years Agreement of Supplying 11 Million Tons LNG to Pakistan Complaint against the Purchasing of allegedly undervalued Assets USD16.4m Vs S400m (approx.) of M/s ENI Pakistan Limited by an inexperienced company M/s Prime International Oil & Gas Company Limited (PIOGCL) for allegedly evading Tax of USD 75m (approx.) to National Exchequer (Download)
Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan Prime Minister House Islamabad , September 01, 2022 ,Subject: Complaint against KE charging electricity at Rs 35/unit (including taxes. FCA. line losses) a • ain1 Rs 17.5/unit includin • taxes FCA line lo ses due to SSGCL violation of Gas Priori List notified in 2018 by Ministry of Energy by stopping Natural Gas to KE form October 2021 in Connivance with Owners of Ca live Power Plants which is causing additional A i irox. Rs. 131 billion Annually expense to ICE consumer (Download)
Dr. Abdul Hafiz Shaikh, Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Block F, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad Sub: Complaint against National Bank of Pakistan and SECP on the alleg tions of fraud by losses of RS 8.5 million of the complainant by M/s NAFA of NBP, subsequent y named NBP Fund Management Limited a subsidiary of NBP (Download here)
Azam Khan Sahib, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Government of Pakistan, PM House, Islamabad , 17th November , 2020 , Sub: Compliant against Punjab Administration on breaking of Punjab Marriage Functions Act 2016 & Punjab Sound Systems (Regulation) Act 2015 in the four-day extravagant Rs 2 Billion wedding of the scions of Jalal & Sons and Master Tiles .(Download here)
Azam Khan Sahib, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Government of Pakistan, PM House, Islamabad , 15 June, 2020 , Sub: Serious objections on Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 ( ) dated 30th April 2020, deleting provisions against interest of Pakistan, and many undue benefit companies. (Download here)
Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Prime Minister House, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. , 23″10ctober, 2017 , Sub: Complaint against SECP for not taking action to implement Section 456 of the Companies Act, 2017, Acceptance of advances by real estate companies engaged in Real Estate Projects (Download here)