RTI Holds Workshop On “Climate Change, Mitigation, Adaptation, And Social Accountability

PESHAWAR, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 8th Jan, 2025) Right To Information (RTI) is not merely a legal tool but a key that unlocks citizens engagement into governance.

By granting access to information, it ensures transparency and openness in government initiatives for mitigating Climate Change as it bounds institutions to provide citizen-requested information within the stipulated time period.

This was stated by Syed Saadat Jahan, Deputy Director Communication, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa information Commission (KPIC), while addressing the participants of a workshop titled “Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Social Accountability to Enhance Citizens’ Participation in Climate Governance”.

The workshop was collaboratively arranged by non-governmental organizations; Transparency International-Pakistan and SAHARA Foundation, here at TMA Office on Wednesday.

Representatives of various government institutions and members of civil society organizations were the participants of the workshop.

Highlighting the critical role of RTI in fostering meaningful citizen participation in Climate Governance, Mr. Jahan said that RTI is imperative for fruitful outcomes of government initiated programs, as it guarantees the right execution of plan and policies.

Jahan encouraged the participants to utilize RTI for improving good governance.

In the workshop participants were provided with RTI application forms, while Saadat Jahan enlightened them on the procedure of logging information requests to public entities.