Justice Zia Perwez Former Judge of Supreme Court of Pakistan Trustee — Transparency International Pakistan , Sui Southern Gas Company Limited  , 21st February 2019  , Re: Violation of Public Procurement Rules, Grievance against Tender Enquiry # SSGC/SC/9425 Gas Bill Printing (Download here )

Managing Director, Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd, SSGC House, Sir Shah Suleman Road, Karachi. , 25th January, 2019  , Sub: Violation of Public Procurement Rules, Grievance against Tender Enquiry No. SSGC/SC/9425 Gas Bills Printing.  (Download here)

Managing Director, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited. SSGC I-louse, Karachi. , 13th January, 2016  , Sub: Complaint against Two Tenders of SSGCL: (I) SSGC Tender Enquiry No. SSGC/FP/6292 for Skid Mounted Multi-Path Gas Ultrasonic Metering System & (2) Tendering Process: SSGC RLNG Compression Project: Tender- SSGC/FP/6088.  (Download here)

Managing Director, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited. SSGC House, Karachi. , 15th September, 2015 , Sub: Grievance Filled Against Unjust by Sui Southern Gas Company by Wrongfully Rejecting ‘KZK Group’ Offers and Favoring Only Selections of Selection of Supplier for Tender No. SSGC/FP/6158 for Hydraulic Loader.  (Download here)

Managing Director. Sul Northern Gas Pipelines Limited. Lahore, 6th-Jan-2015 , Sub! Violation against PPRA Rules 2004.  (Download here)