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Executive Engineer (D), Incharge Maintenance, Sui Northeren Gas Pipeline Limited, Opposite IESCO Grid Station, G.T Road, Rawalpindi, 24th December 2024, Subject: Violation of Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Rules 2004„ Executive Engineer (D), Incharge Maintenance, Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited, Rawalpindi’s Tender Notice for Procurement for Rehabilitation of Underground Network Against SRP 2024-25 (Download here)
Mr. Kamran Akram CA, CFO SNGPL, Chairman, Grievance Redressal Committee, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd. 7th Floor, Gas House, 21-Kashmir Road, Lahore, November 27, 2024, Subject: Complaint Against Delay in Redressal of Grievance Caused by Procuring Agency by Announcement of Technical Evaluation Report PUR-43 (SNC-1912/24) Uploaded on PPRA Website on 15-11-2024 in respect of Tender Enquiry No, SNC-1912/24 Covering Air Intake Filters, Filter Elements and Mist Eliminator Filter Element opened on 24-092024 (Download here)
Mr. Amer Tufail, Managing Director, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL), Lahore, November 29, 2024, Subject: Violation of Pakistan Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Rules 2004 Rules 35 and 47 by Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) in awarding a large number of contracts on a single-bid basis, and not publishing the contract agreements, documents, bills of quantities, etc on PPRA Website after the awarding of a contract (Download here)
Mr. Amer Tufail, Managing Director, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL), Lahore, November 29, 2024, Subject: Complaint Against Allegations of Violation of Pakistan Public Procurement Regulatory Authorit PPRA Rules 2004 Rule 35 and 47 b Sui Northern Gas Pi dines Limited SNGPL in awarding a large number of contracts on a single-bid basis, failure to Publish Contract Agreements, Documents. Bill of Quantities on the PPRA Website (Download here)
Justice Zia Perwez Former Judge of Supreme Court of Pakistan Trustee — Transparency International Pakistan , Sui Southern Gas Company Limited , 21st February 2019 , Re: Violation of Public Procurement Rules, Grievance against Tender Enquiry # SSGC/SC/9425 Gas Bill Printing (Download here )
Managing Director, Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd, SSGC House, Sir Shah Suleman Road, Karachi. , 25th January, 2019 , Sub: Violation of Public Procurement Rules, Grievance against Tender Enquiry No. SSGC/SC/9425 Gas Bills Printing. (Download here)
Managing Director, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited. SSGC I-louse, Karachi. , 13th January, 2016 , Sub: Complaint against Two Tenders of SSGCL: (I) SSGC Tender Enquiry No. SSGC/FP/6292 for Skid Mounted Multi-Path Gas Ultrasonic Metering System & (2) Tendering Process: SSGC RLNG Compression Project: Tender- SSGC/FP/6088. (Download here)
Managing Director, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited. SSGC House, Karachi. , 15th September, 2015 , Sub: Grievance Filled Against Unjust by Sui Southern Gas Company by Wrongfully Rejecting ‘KZK Group’ Offers and Favoring Only Selections of Selection of Supplier for Tender No. SSGC/FP/6158 for Hydraulic Loader. (Download here)
Managing Director. Sul Northern Gas Pipelines Limited. Lahore, 6th-Jan-2015 , Sub! Violation against PPRA Rules 2004. (Download here)